Caring for Your Teeth Through Pregnancy
When you discover you’re pregnant, you might believe that a trip to the dentist has to wait until after you give birth. However, dental care is even more critical than ever before during your pregnancy. Below is some helpful information on caring for your teeth when you’re pregnant.
Perth dentists advise that the first thing you need to do is to let your dentist know you’re pregnant if you are planning on having a check-up or procedure. In high-risk pregnancies, most procedures might be able to wait until after your bundle arrives. Otherwise, the benefits of dental care often outweigh any potential risk factors.
You can continue brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing between your teeth, and eating a balanced diet to promote your oral hygiene and health. You should also still visit your dentist for check-ups and professional cleaning. If you are suffering from morning sickness, you can reduce the risk of acid attacking your teeth by rinsing your mouth with baking soda and water.
Gum Disease
Your body goes through a whole host of changes when you’re pregnant, and your mouth is no exception. Around half of women will develop a mild form of gum disease while pregnant – generally between the two and eight-month mark. After childbirth, this can disappear. The reasoning behind getting this temporary gingivitis is due to hormone levels causing plaque to irritate your gums more than usual. Continue to brush twice-daily and floss. See your dentist if you have concerns.
Moving Teeth
If you feel like your teeth are moving, then you aren’t going crazy. During pregnancy, your hormones can loosen the bones and ligaments that secure your teeth in place. They can feel like they are a little loose – even if they are not. This feeling should go away after birth, but see your dentist if it doesn’t.
Oral Care Habits
It’s easy to get caught up in trying to look after your baby in other ways, which means you may start to neglect your oral health. It’s essential that you don’t. Poor oral care habits have been associated with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature birth, and intrauterine growth restrictions. If you are concerned, make an appointment with your dentist for advice.
Your baby will start to develop teeth at around the 3-6-month mark of pregnancy. Including vitamins and nutrients in your diet can help them to grow correctly as well.
When you find out you’re pregnant, there’s so much to do and organise. You have to keep up with medical appointments, arrange scans, buy all the items you need to care for a baby, and try and look after yourself in between. No one said it would be easy. However, dental care should be right up there with general medical care. Take the time to make an appointment with your dentist and find out how your oral health is faring.